Using the Simulator
A graphic simulator shows the kinematic positions of the modules as they perform a gait and can be used to visualize both a configuration and motion to quickly debug a gait as it is being developed.
The images on this page show an example of the simulator with 14 modules in a humanoid configuration. General instructions can be seen in the Gait window. This file is also included with the software and is called "DudemanAll.gait". You can open this file by going to File > Open in the Advanced window. Other features of the simulator are:
- Writing a configuration matrix to the Matrix tab from the current simulated robot configuration.
- Adding and removing modules (as shown to the right).
- The first drop down selects the module that the new module is being attached to.
- The next drop down box is the/an IR port of the existing module that will see the new module
- The next drop down box is the/an IR port of the new module that will see the existing module.
- The final drop down box is the type of module that you would like to add.
- If removing a module, simply select the module in the first drop down menu and click remove.
- Moving is similar to adding, except you must specify both modules and you do not have to specify the type of module.
- Changing ID lets you alter the name of a module.
Full Screen Mode is good for viewing a gait. Once in Full Screen Mode, you can Play/Stop the gait, change the speed, change the Frames Per Second, show or hide IDs, and exit Full Screen Mode from the Options menu as shown.